
Sneak Preview: Ranked Queue
Feb 2, 2024 1,756

News Update KartRider Drift

Hey Racers,

Today we would like to share information regarding a new game mode in KartRider: Drift, the Ranked Queue.

In Ranked Queue, all Racers can play solo or in a party, queuing for matches as normal. You're given points based on the results of each of your matchmade races, which contribute to your overall rank.

The Ranked Queue exists for both Item Mode and Speed Mode, and you can get rewards for achieving each rank. You can also earn Place Rewards, depending on your rank when Ranked Queue ends. The Ranked Queue for Item Mode and Speed Mode each have their own separate rank systems and rewards.

Below are some examples of ranks you can achieve in Item Mode and Speed Mode via the Ranked Queue:

Item Mode Rank System Example:

Ranked Queue Item Mode Ranks KartRider Drift

Speed Mode Rank System Example:

Ranked Queue Speed Mode Ranks KartRider Drift

(Note: These images contain gameplay features that are still in development, and may differ from the final release.)

Thank you,

-The KartRider: Drift Team-
